Atividades vinculadas ao currículo
Read, write and order whole numbers, recognising that the position of a digit gives its value and understand the place value of each digit up to 1000.
Use the product of prime factors to find the HCF or LCM of numbers. Draw a Venn diagram to illustrate the prime factors. Use other results that are given in the question.
Find factors and multiples of a number including listing factors in pairs to find all the factors of large numbers. Find common multiples and lowest/least common multiples without the use of the Product of Prime Factors, simple cases only. Find common factors and highest common factor (HCF), including using the term divisor and use given results as an aid e.g. 36=18×2. Simple cases only.
Trabalhe com números até 100.000, entendendo o valor posicional de cada algarismo.
Use decimal notation for tenths, hundredths and thousandths; partition and order decimals with up to three places, and position them on the number line.
Solve one sided linear inequalities in 1 variable and find max/min integer solution or a list of integer solutions from a set.
Gostaria de ter planos de aula com as nossas atividades?